Social Media is Hard

I never know what to do on it.

I don’t know how to use social media. Really, I don’t.

Obviously, I know how to click the buttons and how to literally use it, but I never know what to do on it.

Like on Instagram, what is “post-worthy?” Do people really need to know that “I had a really fun time with my friends!” and see a really badly-lit, awkward photo of me and my friends in front of a brick wall? Basically none of my posts even have me in them, is that wrong? How do you even coordinate your feed? What? Who has time for that? Don’t get me wrong, that’s really impressive, but isn’t that just so much work?

Or Snapchat. I used to have a Snapchat, but, again, I just never posted on my story. Most of the stories I saw were always one of three things: it was someone putting a random photo behind something stupid like 11:11, it was some wild party with weird lighting and people’s eyes glowing like they were demons, or it was a video of them wheezing while zooming in on a person’s face. Sorry if I called you out, but isn’t that the truth? So what’s the point of going through millions of people’s stories just to see stuff like that? Not even the filters could save it for me. At first, sure, they were fun, but then they all just made your eyes wider and your cheeks pinker. They started getting boring. And don’t even get started on streaks.

I’ve never been on Facebook or Twitter, and I’m not really interested in doing so based on the disaster fire that is becoming their legalities. Yeah, Twitter seems fun with the memes and whatnot, until someone starts being aggressively racist, sexist, homophobic, and the rest of the -phobics and -ists. And Facebook… do I really have to explain this one?

But you know what the worst part of this all is? I’m still going to use Instagram, and I’m planning on getting a Twitter, and I’m probably going to jump on every other new social media craze there is. I just can’t help it. That’s how they get you, I guess.


By the way, check out Victoria’s story, (make this a link) “Instagram is No Longer Enjoyable,” for more on Instagram!

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